Leave this for a few minutes on full power, this might just unlodge any grime, hair or limescale. Unscrew all pipes so you just have the control unit, grab a hosepipe and spray the water in the top outlet valve. This might just free it from the pipe and be expelled when the device is switched back on.

There might be a buildup of hair, grime or limescale. Turn it upside down and give it a careful shake to see if you can free up anything that is stuck inside. If you have followed the common issues above and you are still experiencing alarm bells then we suggest you undo all hoses and nozzles to free the external control unit. Unscrew both valves and check for hair and grime.Check both inlet and outlet valves for blockages.It tends to be the top valve but might vary depending on the type of hot tub. Unscrew it and inspect it for leaves, dirt, grime and hair, this is a very easy solution.Īnother problem might be the exit valve, this is where the warm and filtered water comes into the hot tub. The inlet valve that sucks the water from the hot tub to the filter and heater might be blocked. Water will not cycle correctly around the filter if uneven.You must move your hot tub correct the ground it is sitting on.Check your filter/heater is sitting straight.If your filter is sitting on uneven ground then this must be rectified because water will not get released correctly and the alarm will sound and the filter and heater will stop.

Second, on the list of issues is a simple one, check your filter housing is on even ground.

The pump housing displays an E02 warning which will cut off the pump and heating system, or the housing just cuts out altogether. This is more relevant for Lay-Z-Spa hots tubs although other brands do have this fault function.

If you are experiencing this issue then there might be a few reasons for your hot tub to keep cutting out and keep beeping/alarm.