Blanka move list street fighter 5 ps4
Blanka move list street fighter 5 ps4

His skin darkens noticeably while the sclera of his eyes turn from white to ghastly black. The scars on both his body and face glow red and flash when certain moves are used. His hair bursts loose from its bonds, lengthens, and glows bright red. Upon activating his V-Trigger his appearance changes dramatically. Necalli wears only a tattered white kilt adorned with a gold and brown snake patterned loincloth, a golden belt, and brown open-toed boots. He also has several massive crisscrossing scars covering his chest and arms. He has yellow eyes and four black streaks on his face. His hair is tied into locks which are held together by gold ringlets. Necalli has very long black hair which bleeds into dull shades of red.

blanka move list street fighter 5 ps4

3.2.3 Other character story appearances.

Blanka move list street fighter 5 ps4